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Espros Photonics推出可应用于智能手机的光谱传感系统级芯片
aprizes | 2017-06-15 11:20:34    阅读:676   发布文章

据麦姆斯报道,Espros Photonics公司和Viavi Solutions公司在2017美国西部光电展上发布并展示了一款微型光谱传感系统级芯片及其多光谱传感器开发套件。

According to Mames, Espros Photonics and Viavi Solutions have released and demonstrated a Micro-spectral sensor system- chip and multi-spectral sensor development kit on the 2017 US West photoelectric exhibition




Micro-spectral sensing system- chip


这款创新型光谱传感器结合了Viavi Solutions公司的64通道微图案化带通滤波器阵列和Espros Photonics公司的高性能CCD-CMOS混合图像传感器,其外观尺寸仅为2.7 x 2.7 x 1.1 mm。

这款光谱传感器将提供两个版本,一款覆盖可见光谱(385~900 nm),另一款覆盖近红外光谱(775-1065 nm)。其尺寸和预计成本,可使复杂的波长分析和短波近红外光谱分析集成进入智能手机等移动设备。在移动应用领域,该传感器有潜力帮助消费者分析食品、饮料和药品的成分。


This innovative spectral sensor combines Viavi Solutions '64-channel micropatterned bandpass filter array with Espros Photonics' high-performance CCD-CMOS mixed-image sensor, The out dimensions only 2.7 x 2.7 x 1.1 mm.

This spectral sensor will provide two versions, one covering the visible spectrum (385 ~ 900 nm) and the other covering the near infrared spectrum (775-1065 nm). Its size and estimated cost allow complex wavelength analysis and shortwave near infrared spectroscopy to be integrated into mobile devices such as Smartphone. In the field of mobile applications, the sensor has the potential to help consumers analyze the ingredients of food, beverages and pharmaceuticals.





SPM64 Developer Kits.


为了开拓市场,帮助客户开发相关应用,Espros Photonics公司和Viavi Solutions公司推出了SPM64开发者套件。这款开发者套件包括一款装有原型光谱传感器的USB dongle型电路板,该电路板上还具有一颗微型控制器和多种光源。当电路板通过USB连接电脑后,可运行套件自带的软件,将预处理的光谱信息发送至图形用户界面和可选的数据文件。套件中提供的应用处理接口允许用户编辑自己开发的软件,以控制光源和传感器,以及数据的获取和分析。


In order to open the market, and help customers develop related applications, Espros Photonics and Viavi Solutions introduced the SPM64 Developer kits. The developer kit includes a USB dongle circuit board with a prototype spectral sensor; the board also has a micro controller and a variety of light sources. Once circuit board is connected to the computer via USB, you can run the software that comes with the kit and send the preprocessed spectral information to the graphical user interface and the optional data file. The application processing interface provided in the kits allow users to edit their own software to control the light sources and sensors, as well as data acquisition and analysis



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